RavenDB - Document design with collections

Published on 2010-12-21

In my previous entry about a StackOverflow type system we saw that I split out some of my large collections into their own documents, rather than persist them as part of the whole question document.

I have been asked since then what my rationale was when creating that example? In what situations might I take a collection from a document and persist each item in its own document? In what situations might I just store the collection inside the document that owns that collection?

There are disadvantages and advantages to either of these approaches, and  these will impact you differently based on the ways in which you are likely to be using this data.

Storing the collection inside the master document

public class MasterDocument 
    // various Master properties + unique Id

    public ChildDocument[] Children{ get; set; }    

public class ChildDocument 
    // Child Document properties, no unique Id 

Storing the collection as separate documents that reference the master document

public class MasterDocument 
    // various master properties + unique Id 
    //  Children are not stored or referenced here    

public class ChildDocument 
    // Unique id 
    // Child Document properties

    // Reference to the master document from here 
    public string ParentId { get; set; } 


So which one do I use then?

At first glance, the second option seems the most flexible but it would be a mistake to make the decision to use this all the time.

Think about your transaction boundaries, who is going to be editing this document? It’s not just about the size of the collection – we can happily store a thousand items on a single document if they actually belong to that document and you’re likely to be editing them as part of that document (This is an unlikely scenario).

Let’s look at some examples and clarify further:

Stackoverflow – the question and its answers (or the votes for a question, or the votes for an answer)

In my StackOverflow example, we had many users potentially adding votes to a single question or answer, and we had many users potentially adding answers to a question – this is alongside the original user potentially editing the question or answer.

Without resorting to patch operations we have a concurrency problem here, you don’t want to lock the master document just because children are being added, and in fact you’d probably never edit the master document at the same time as adding a child and want to do that in the same transaction. It makes sense therefore to store these documents separately  and allow all these operations to just take place.

The shopping basket and its items

You’re doing your shopping on Amazon, you are adding references to products to your shopping basket perhaps de-normalizing data while you do this (the price at the time of adding it perhaps, “The price of this object has changed since you added it to the basket”).

Each of those shopping cart items are part of that shopping cart – you aren’t going to edit those items separately as their own concerns, they are the shopping cart so to speak and thus they belong as part of the document.

The blog and its comments

Again, you are going to have people add comments independently of editing the blog, it doesn’t matter if you are expecting thousands of comments or just 1-2, they are separate concerns for the most part so store them as separate documents.

A recipe and its ingredients

This is similar to the shopping basket in that we might have references to actual ingredients in the collection, but store things like the amounts and other extra meta data on the collection item. We’ll most likely be editing these ingredients as part of the recipe, they belong on the document itself.

Where does this leave us then?

It is fairly clear that this is not a question of “one to many” vs “one to few”, no where here have I ended up talking about the quantity of items in the collection (although it is true that if you do have thousands of items you might wish to store them separately for performance reasons in either scenario).

It is more a matter of thinking about the operations you are likely to perform on those documents and how you’d like those operations to be enacted on your data.

Find the transaction boundaries and you find your documents.

What happened to my root aggregates?

So most people these days like to say they’re practising some form of DDD, so let’s talk in that language briefly – while it is true that for the most part you can map one to one a document with its root aggregate, this isn’t always going to be the case.

You’re nearly always going to have this problem when you are trying to tie a conceptual entity and its behaviour directly to the manner in which it is persisted as data. Using a document database reduces this mismatch quite a lot – but in the complex models with interesting behaviour where DDD actually becomes useful, you most likely aren’t going to be talking about data, and if you use a document database to do any form of persistence this will most likely be done separately to the entities themselves.

My advice? Don’t worry too much about this – persist your data, stick behaviour on your documents where it makes sense to and get on with life. The language is still useful as a way of communicating intent, but you’re not going to see me using it too much if I am working with data in this way.

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