This week I'm in Athens (well, probably a month or so ago now there is a massive blog post queue), working for Rulemotion who use these technologies amongst others:
My job in Athens is two fold:
Well, giving honest feedback is something I can do - however my relationship with OMeta and SBVR is that I've never heard of them.
It looks like I have some learning to do
So what IS OMeta? It turns out that I do have a little experience in this area because OMeta is a expression parsing language, and like most people I've written a few parsers and compilers in my few years as a software developer.
OMeta is a bit different in that it had a specific goal - chiefly that of making it fast to prototype new languages/parsing constructs, and indeed it can be used to do pretty much the whole chain in the compilation process (parsing, intepreting and compilation).
You can read the original paper, it's the best source of information apart from just reading the implementation.
I'm not going to do a blog series on this, just wanted to throw up some stuff as I learned it :)
What I'm using
I have OMeta-JS, and I'm doing most of my playing in the web browser with An OMeta parsing Ometa demo.
If I make some OMeta in the textbox and then go to the other textbox, I can copy and paste the JS into a repl and play around, it's not the most super effective way of working but I suspect this demo will be improved on to make it easier.
So again, what is OMeta?
I told you, it's a parsing language, check out the following:
ometa MyParser {
greeting = "Hello"
If I compile this, I'll get the following:
var MyParser = OMeta._extend({
greeting: function() {
var $elf = this, _fromIdx = this.input.idx;
return this._applyWithArgs("token", "Hello");
Which I can use in some code
MyParser.matchAll("Hello", "greeting") : Success
MyParser.matchAll("Goodbye", "greeting") : Failure
What I can also do is transform these expressions into other expressions
ometa MyParser {
greeting = "Hello" -> "Howdy"
MyParser.matchAll("Hello", "greeting") : "Howdy"
And I can also build up matches out of other matches
ometa MyParser {
greeting = "Hello",
bob = "Bob",
sentence = greeting bob
MyParser.matchAll("Hello Bob", "sentence") : Success
MyParser.matchAll("Hello James", "sentence") : Failure
MyParser.matchAll("Bob", "bob") : Success
And this means I can build up transformations from simple expressions:
ometa MyParser {
greeting = "Hello" -> "Howdy ",
bob = "Bob" -> "Bobby"
sentence = greeting:g bob:b -> (g + b)
MyParser.matchAll("Hello Bob", "sentence") : "Howdy Bobby"
MyParser.matchAll("Hello James", "sentence") : Failure
Now obviously we don't use this language for parsing daft sentences like the above, what we do is use it to build up expectations around structures such as program code.
ometa CParser {
type = identifier,
argList = listOf(arg, ","),
methodBody = "{" statementList "}"
program = type "main(" argList ")" methodBody
And so on...
Now this is getting ahead of myself, let me write about how I got to grips with OMeta by writing a JSON parser...
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